Fool for Love Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Fool for Love.

Abandonment Quotes

"You want me to go?" (2)

Love/Sex Quotes

EDDIE: You know we're connected, May. We'll always be connected. That was decided a long time ago.MAY: Nothing was decided! You made all that up. (191-192)

Power/Control Quotes

"Little practice. Gotta stay in practice these days. There's kids out there ropin' calves in six seconds dead. Can you believe that? Six and no change. Flyin' off the saddle on the right hand side...

Men and Masculinity Quotes

MAY: What am I supposed to call him?EDDIE: A "guy" or something. If you called him a "guy," I'd be worried about it but since you call him a "man" you give yourself away. You're in a dumb situation...

Violence Quotes

MAY: You're gonna' erase me.EDDIE: What're you talking about?MAY: You're either gonna' erase me or have me erased.EDDIE: Why would I want that? Are you kidding?MAY: Because I'm in the way. (27-31)

Lying/Betrayal Quotes

MAY: Was this before or after your little fling with the Countess?EDDIE: (he bangs his head into wall. Wall booms) There wasn't any fling with any Countess!MAY: You're a liar.EDDIE: I took her out...

Jealousy Quotes

MAY: You smell.EDDIE: I smell.MAY: You do.EDDIE: I been drivin' for days.MAY: Your fingers smell.EDDIE: Horses.MAY: Pussy. (5-11)

Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

EDDIE: You want some a' this?MAY: I'm on the wagon.EDDIE: Good. 'Bout time. (149-151)

Family Quotes

"Amazing thing is, neither one a' you look a bit familiar to me. Can't figure that one out. I don't recognize myself in either one a' you. Never did. 'Course your mothers both put their stamp on ya...