For the Union Dead Transformation Quotes

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Quote #10

There are no statues for the last war here; (54)

Another negative change: our culture has transformed to one that doesn't value or honor its veterans. What absolute jerks! Lowell is painting a very nice picture of the people of Boston in the 1960s.

Quote #11

on Boylston Street, a commercial photograph
shows Hiroshima boiling
over a Mosler Safe, the "Rock of Ages"
that survived the blast. (55–58)

Instead of using the last war (WWII) to create positive change, we only use it to feed consumerism. So, rather than commemorate our vets, or learn from our horrific mistakes, we're just using the war to make some dough. Pretty sick, actually.

Quote #12

Space is nearer. (58)

We've made transformations to a more technologically and scientifically-advanced world, but the only thing we're getting closer to is nothingness. Ugh, so Lowell probably wouldn't think your iPod is evidence of positive cultural change.