Forrest Gump Scene 15 Summary

  • One day, Lt. Dan stops Forrest in the middle of his shrimping and thanks him for saving his life back in Vietnam. Forrest thinks that in this moment, Lt. Dan makes his peace with God.
  • Forrest gets a phone call that his mother is sick and leaves the shrimping to Lt. Dan. He runs all of the way home to see his mother and finds her dying in bed. She comforts Forrest by telling him that death is just a part of life.
  • She tells Forrest that he'll have to figure out his destiny just like she did (to be his mother).
  • Forrest buries her on a Tuesday.
  • When we flash back to the present day, the old woman next to Forrest is crying at this sad part in his story. She even misses her bus so she can keep listening to him.