Forrest Gump Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Does Forrest really care about any of the big successes he has in his life? Why or why not? In your opinion, what is Forrest's greatest victory? Why?
  2. Who is most responsible for the way Forrest's life turns out? Why? What does that tell us about the role of fate and chance?
  3. Does the movie encourage us to think about life as governed by a predetermined destiny, or are our lives the result of a series of random choices and accidents?
  4. Which character in this movie does Forrest help the most? How so?
  5. Why do you think Jenny finally agrees to marry Forrest? Is it heartfelt or cynical on her part?
  6. Is Forrest Gump the movie (or Forrest Gump the character) a symbol of America or the American dream? Why have the filmmakers chosen to have our tour of American history funneled through the eyes of someone whose IQ almost disqualifies him from public school?
  7. What do you think the movie's take on politics is? Does it really think that the personal is more important than the political, as some people would say?
  8. Did all of this stuff really happen to Forrest, or is he just spinning tales? And if it did really happen, what's with the movie's magical realism?
  9. Do you think this movie has a happy ending? Why or why not? How does your interpretation of the ending affect the way you interpret the film as a whole?