Four Quartets Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Four Quartets? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The title of "Burnt Norton" refers to

An English village hit by a German bomb in 1942
A type of English pastry
A destroyed English manor
A dead friend of Eliot's
Q. "Little Gidding" refers to

A slang term for nervousness
An English chapel
A lake on the outskirts of London
A traditional children's game
Q. "The Dry Salvages" refers to

A set of rocks off the coast of Massachusetts
A tract of land between Eliot's English home and downtown London
A set of villages near Coventry, England
The books retrieved from the remains of the Faber building in London
Q. "East Coker" refers to

A London drug addict
A village where Eliot had ancestral roots
A village where Eliot lived for most of his life
A type of oven used for baking bread
Q. Where does this poem suggest we can find spiritual enlightenment?

In a subway tunnel
At the still point of the turning world
In a cabin in the woods
Out at sea