Four Quartets Resources


The T.S. Eliot Society

Follow this link to a website run by folks who really, really like T.S. Eliot.

Modern American Eliot

This is a fab resource for biography, criticism, and related Eliot info.


T.S. Eliot, Anti-Semite?

This video explores an aspect of Eliot's work that many critics find uncomfortable: the apparently harsh view of Jewish people contained in it.

Arena: T.S. Eliot, Part 1

This is a really solid T.S. Eliot documentary made by BBC. You should be able to find all the parts to it if you keep clicking through YouTube.


T.S. Eliot Reads the Entire "Four Quartets"

Got an extra hour? Then why not listen to Eliot read "Four Quartets" from start to finish. Dude probably needs a glass of water by the end.

Eliot Reads "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

Here's some more classic Eliot in Eliot's ghostly old-man voice.


Eliot on the Cover of Time Magazine

Check out the wild artwork.

Eliot Young

He looks like a real scamp in this photo.

Eliot Old

Here's a color photo of Eliot as an older gent in a fine blue suit.

Articles and Interviews

George Orwell on "Four Quartets"

Ever heard of Animal Farm or 1984? Well it turns out their author wasn't the biggest fan of "Four Quartets."

T.S. Eliot Interview in The Paris Review

Here's a great interview that Eliot did with poet Donald Hall in 1959.


Annotations to "Four Quartets"

For a full-blown breakdown of every single allusion "Four Quartets" has to offer, check out this book.

T.S. Eliot and the Ideology of "Four Quartets"

So what exactly is the overall system of belief Eliot is putting forward in "Four Quartets"? Apparently, it takes a whole book to try to answer that one.