Fox in Socks Stanzas 34-44 Summary

  • Pig bands arrive from…wherever. Bim and Ben strike up the band, using their brooms as bandleader batons.
  • Knox won't have any of it. Nope. His mouth is way too slow for all that alliteration.
  • Fox requests Knox to bring his "mouth this way," so they can find it something to say. Hmmm, Fox is getting a little uppity, isn't he?
  • At a crystal blue lake, the duo comes across Luke Luck and his duck. Both like taking licks from the lake the other likes.
  • Knox, almost pleading, says his tongue isn't made of rubber. Fox assures Mr. Knox that he needn't be so dumb. Hey, that's kind of rude.
  • Fox asks Knox to try a tongue twister about three free fleas and the freezy breeze that made them sneeze in the cheese trees. Okay, now he's just showing off.
  • Knox is fuming. He just can't say such silly stuff, and let's face it, Fox is being awfully pushy.