Fra Lippo Lippi Resources


Brown, Browned, Browning

Check out the Victorian Web's links to all things Robert Browning, from his political leanings to his views on gender. Plus, they're arranged in a diamond. Cute?

Fra Filippo Lippi

Here's your one-stop guide to the biography and complete works of Renaissance Italy's famous painter.


What's Up Doc

Get your Lippi on with part one of this twenty-minute introduction to Fra Filippo Lippi and the world of Renaissance art.


"Beauty and Madness"

Read the band's lyrics on the screen and see if they share any themes with the poem.


Beardy Browning, Part 1

There's nothing like a good neck-beard to get you feeling poetic.

Beardy Browning, Part 2: The Beard Returns

He's looking way less creepy and way more Santa-Clausey here, in a snapshot from 1889, the year he died.

Articles and Interviews

Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning: Interviews and Recollections

This is an interesting book that pulls together recollections from fellow writers (like Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Henry James), as well as interviews with the Brownings themselves. It's pretty spendy to order, but worth checking out from your local library.


The Dramatic Imagination of Robert Browning: A Literary Life

Richard S. Kennedy and Donald S. Hair, both Professors Emeriti (which means they know their stuff), have written this biography of Browning that you might want to check out.

Robert Browning's Poetry (Norton Critical Edition)

If you're clamoring for more of the Beardy Poet's wordplay (and really, who wouldn't?), but you're also hankering for some cultural and historical context, plus some other neat-o features, then the Norton Critical Edition has your back.