The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #10

He did not know how his wife felt except that she was through with him.

His wife had been through with him before but it never lasted. He was very wealthy, and would be much wealthier, and he knew she would not leave him ever now. That was one of the few things that he really knew. (3.16-3.17)

Macomber doesn't seem too worried about his wife's bad behavior. If there's one thing she likes more than macho men, it's money. Honestly, their marriage is so awful, it doesn't seem like there is any love lost between them when she strays. The only real problem is Macomber's bruised ego.

Quote #11

All in all they were known as a comparatively happily married couple, one of those whose disruption is often rumored but never occurs, and as the society columnist put it, they were adding more than a spice of adventure to their much envied and ever enduring romance by a Safari in what was known as Darkest Africa […] But they always made it up. They had a sound basis of union. Margot was too beautiful for Macomber to divorce her and Macomber had too much money for Margot ever to leave him. (3.18)

Macomber and Margot are a big enough deal to be in the society pages. Oh la la. This also means that they probably have a certain image to maintain. Everyone knows what's going on between them, so they had better keep up appearances. This also means that in the end, we know that Margot is about to have her name and picture on a whole lot of front pages with suspicious, accusatory headlines. We almost feel bad for her. Almost.