The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber


by Ernest Hemingway

Reading Quizzes

Available to teachers only as part of theTeaching The Short Happy Life of Francis MacomberTeacher Pass

Teaching The Short Happy Life of Francis MacomberTeacher Pass includes:

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Sample of Reading Quizzes

Section 1


1. What are "they" doing at the beginning of the story?
2. What does Macomber say about drinking gin cocktails under a tent?
3. What does Macomber ask Wilson?
4. What happened 30 minutes previously?
5. What does Macomber's wife do when she joins the two men in the tent?
6. What does Wilson compliment Macomber on?
7. What does Margot say about the unnamed event before leaving the tent?
8. What does Wilson do when he notices "the boys" in camp acting strangely toward Macomber?
9. What does Macomber worry will happen as a result of the "lion business"?
10. How does Wilson assure Macomber that people won't think he's a coward?
11. What does Macomber admit he did while on the hunt?
12. What do Wilson and Macomber plan to do the next day, so Macomber can make up for being afraid?
13. What does Wilson realize after his conversation with Macomber?
14. What does Margot pretend when she returns to the dining tent?
15. What does Wilson think about American women when Margot provokes him?
16. What does Margot insist upon doing the following day?
17. What topic comes up when the trio eats elands?
18. What does Macomber do when Margot picks on him near the end of the chapter?


1. Sitting under a tent having some gin cocktails
2. "It's the thing to do."
3. How much he should give the barkeep
4. Macomber was carried back to camp on the shoulders of workers who take him to his tent.
5. She gives Macomber the cold shoulder.
6. His success in getting a lion on the hunt
7. That she wished it hadn't happened
8. He snaps at one of them in Swahili, threatening to whip him.
9. People will say he's a coward.
10. He's a professional and never talks about his clients, so Macomber's secret is safe.
11. "Bolted like a rabbit"
12. Hunt buffalo
13. He just can't figure out Americans. One minute he likes them, and the next he's not a fan.
14. Not to care that her husband is a coward
15. That they're tough nuts to crack
16. Going on the buffalo hunt
17. Dangerous animals
18. He calls her out for ragging on him about the whole lion debacle.