The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You act like I need a boyfriend to take care of me." (39.61)

It's insulting that Frankie's mom thinks she needs a babysitter to take care of her. She's very well able to take care of herself. It seems to Shmoop that Frankie's mom doesn't really understand who her daughter is. Maybe if she were paying closer attention, she'd realize that she's raised a strong young woman—and not a foolish little girl.

Quote #8

"I'm a bad friend," moaned Frankie, shivering with chill and pain. "I know it. I'm a horrible friend. I'm sorry. I just – I don't know how to be anything else right now." (42.50)

In the process of trying so hard to be a member of the Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds, Frankie's lost sight of the people who have been there for her all along. And once you lose sight of that, you lose sight of yourself, too.

Quote #9

She hoped, she hoped he would understand. That he would appreciate her the way he appreciated Alpha. Admire her cleverness, her ambition, her vision. (43.104)

Well, don't get your hopes up, Frankie girl. Matthew's not going to react too well to your big confession. His identity is too wrapped up in his reputation and status in the school. Matthew may be self-assured, but he's not sure in himself. If he were, he'd probably be a better boyfriend.