The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Matthew and I had an argument," she lied. "We made up, but it was a whole thing." (36.23)

Trish is so kind, but she wouldn't understand Frankie's more transgressive pursuits. She doesn't understand why Frankie has to work so hard to change things when they're okay as they are. So Frankie has to cover up her exploits with yet more lies, all in the name of making things go smoothly with her bestie. Does that seem like a good idea to you? What does she think will happen if she spills the real beans to Trish?

Quote #8

She couldn't ask him about it. If she did, he'd know she'd looked in his backpack. Frankie sunk into her chair, a tangle of guilt and anger—but she didn't say a word. (39.35-37)

What we're interested in here is the lie Frankie's telling by remaining silent. The more she doesn't share her real feelings with her boyfriend, the more she's deceiving him, and the more distant the two grow. Sure, she doesn't want to fess up to the huge secret she's keeping from him, but her swallowing her feelings isn't helping matters either.

Quote #9

It wasn't that he no longer had a secret from her. In fact, Matthew's secret was getting bigger and bigger—and Frankie finally had to admit to herself that he wasn't ever, ever going to tell her. (40.63)

Even though Frankie desperately wants to connect with Matthew over the pranks (because it's a shared activity!), they're both lying to each other about being involved in all the shenanigans in any way. That's quite the catch-22. And check out how lies can reveal a great deal about the liar, too. What Frankie learns from Matthew's secret is that he's not as into her as she hopes he is.