Freewill Weakness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

If you could be her, you could be all right. She works properly. She flows. (1200)

Lots of people, including Angela, look functional from the outside. The thing is, though, as Will often points out, you never really know what someone really thinks or feels.

Quote #8

You could just about lift him off his feet […] Stay out of my f***ing water. Run home to mommy […] He listens. He runs. (1446)

Here Will stands up to the caller dude, and takes pleasure in the fear he inspires. It's only one of many forms of strength, but Will is definitely feeling pretty capable right about now.

Quote #9

"Comes a time when somebody needs somebody else to pull his wagon for him." (1354)

Will struggles with the idea of charity and with asking for help. But soon he discovers that not only does everyone need a hand from time to time, but it isn't really charity when it's done by someone who loves us.