From Here to Eternity Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from From Here to Eternity.

Quote #4

ALMA: Sit down and—and get comfortable. I'll make you a martini and see what's to cook for dinner.

PREWITT: Hey, this is like being married, ain't it?

ALMA: It's better.

Why is it better? Maybe because it's not like Captain Holmes and Karen's marriage, which is a nightmare. It's just a light, easygoing thing—they're hanging out.

Quote #5

KAREN: Once commissioned, you go to the States.

WARDEN: An officer.

KAREN: Yes. Then I could divorce Dana and marry you.

WARDEN: An officer! I've always hated officers.

Karen wants to leave her lousy marriage and enter a beautiful new one with Warden. But even though Warden loves her, he wants to be true to his own sense of himself. He can't become an officer because he prefers being at the ground level, down with the other grunts. This throws a wrench in Karen's plans.

Quote #6

HOLMES: I ask you once more: I want to know who he is and where you met him.

KAREN: I'm not going to tell you.

HOLMES: One thing I know: I know he's a civilian. You'd be too discreet to pick an Army man.

KAREN: I wonder which is hurt more, your pride or your curiosity.

Karen's comment strongly suggests what they both know: Holmes and Karen don't love each other, so it's only Holmes' pride that might be hurt. His real emotions aren't invested—he's just annoyed at the fact that a lower-ranking soldier might be cuckolding him.