From Here to Eternity Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from From Here to Eternity.

Quote #4

WARDEN: You'll get plenty of chances to be heroes with Japs in your lap before tonight.

The term "Jap" is a highly unpleasant slur, but was used constantly during World War II to refer to the Japanese. Unfortunately, it's a common tactic throughout history to call your opponents names during wars.

Quote #5

PREWITT: Who do they think they're fighting? They're picking trouble with the best Army in the world.

Prewitt's pride in the military remains unabated. Even though the army's personally treated him really badly, when wartime comes, Prewitt is completely willing to leave his AWOL status (after the knife fight) and try to join in. It's a testament to his deep and abiding loyalty.

Quote #6

WARDEN: Sir, this man was a good soldier. He loved the Army more than any soldier I ever knew. I would like to make a formal request that this body be buried in the Army's permanent cemetery at Schofield Barracks.

Warden pays tribute to Prewitt's service. By trying to rejoin his troops after killing Judson in a knife fight, being wounded, and going AWOL, Prewitt demonstrates how absolute his love for the army really is—he sacrificed his life for it, inadvertently.