From Russia with Love Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from From Russia With Love.

Quote #1

CHESS OPPONENT: My congratulations, sir. A brilliant coup.

Kronsteen's a master chess player, and he takes pride in his skills. Chess is a game that requires its players to think many moves ahead if they hope to win the game. Kronsteen thinks he can outwit Bond, but can he? Once you witness Kronsteen's fate at the end of the film, this scene's irony becomes clear.

Quote #2

KRONSTEEN: According to your instructions, I've planned for SPECTRE to steal from the Russians their new Lektor decoding machine. For this, we need the services of a female member of the Russian Cryptograph Section in Turkey and the help of the British Secret Service. Naturally, neither the Russians nor the British will be aware that they are now working for us.

Kronsteen is cocky and confident that his plan will work. He has every right to be because his plan does work…right up until the point where it doesn't.

Quote #3

KRONSTEEN: As an added refinement, I think SPECTRE would probably have the chance of a personal revenge for the killing of our operative... Dr. No.

SPECTRE takes pride in being all powerful. Of course, we know they did fail back in Dr. No, so maybe they're not as powerful as they think? The prideful organization wants to take this opportunity to avenge its bruised ego by taking out 007.