From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Jamie sighed, "I gave him seventeen cents. So it wasn't such a great tip. […] We're broke. How do you feel about that, Miss Taxi Rider?"

"Pretty uncomfortable," she murmured. "There's something nice and safe about having money." (9.12)

One of the adult lessons that the kids learn is that it's nice to have money, and kind of uncomfortable and scary to not have it. When she realizes that all their money is gone, Claudia loses some of that puffed out chest.

Quote #8

Even in this very elegant house of mine, that bathroom is especially grand. […] There was nothing she wanted more than to take a bath in that tub. (9.79-80)

Mrs. Frankweiler's house is not only the lair of secrets, but it's also the lap of luxury. For a girl like Claudia, these fancy baths and grand dining rooms are something she could get used to.

Quote #9

"I'm not going to give you the sketch outright. I'm going to leave it to you in my will. You won't tell my secret because if you do, I'll write you out of my will. You will lose all that money." (9.231)

Holding money over someone's head as bribery—what an age-old tradition. Mrs. Frankweiler decides that she's going to leave a bunch of money in her will (in the form of the sketch) to Claudia and Jamie, but that they can't tell her secret.