Mortality Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She looks at Lyda as if maybe he'd like to die. Lyda can't understand it. (5.46)

Lyda doesn't understand why Illia would want to die, but let's put ourselves in Illia's shoes. She's in immense pain, and her whole life has been filled with suffering. We fear death, but it can also be seen as eternal peace.

Quote #2

He's always accepted the truth of his life—now his death. (17.56)

The truth of El Capitan's life is that he's forever conjoined to his brother. The truth of his death (at that moment) would be to blow up from a robotic spider. El Capitan has simply come to terms here.

Quote #3

"It's the scent of humanity, Partridge. It smells like mortality. Death." (48.57)

But what does death smell like? We're hoping it's like freshly-baked pumpkin bread. (Probably not.)