Fuse Theme of Versions of Reality

There are as many versions of truth in Fuse as there are characters. Bradwell seeks a complete, uncompromising truth. Pressia seeks a truth that will fit her purposes: she wants a solution to a problem, rather than the messiness that comes with complete truth.

And Partridge? Well, Partridge wants a kind of idealized truth. He longs for a home, and for a fair world, and for a father that loves him. Unfortunately, the world in which Partridge lives ain't fair, his daddy hates him, and he can never go home again.

Questions About Versions of Reality

  1. Does Pressia have a distorted sense of reality?
  2. Is Bradwell really searching for the truth, or something else?
  3. What do dreams tell us about certain characters? Partridge and Pressia in particular.