Galatians, Philippians, and Philemon Philippians: Chapter 2 Summary

Humble Pie

  • Paul keeps going with his encouraging vibe. He tells the Philippians that they should stick together and love each other. Don't be selfish or arrogant, guys. Just look out for each other. Sharing is caring, okay?
  • Jesus should be their role model. Even though he was equal with God, Jesus didn't walk around like some big shot all the time.
  • He actually did the opposite. He lowered himself to become human, almost as low as a slave. He was so über humble that he even died on the cross just to prove how great God was.
  • Because of that, God declared Jesus to be the most awesome guy on Earth. Everyone should pretty much bow down and worship him whenever they get the chance. 
  • So yeah, Philippians, just try to be like that.
  • Don't complain and argue all the time, and you'll "shine like stars" in this dark and dreary world.
  • As long as they're keeping the faith, Paul can be proud of the work he's done there. It makes prison seem a whole lot more cheery.
  • Pretty soon, Timothy will probably come see them. Timothy really stands out from other Christians. He really cares about the Philippians. He's been kind of like a son to Paul. Aw.
  • Paul's also gonna send Epaphroditus their way, too. He was sick and almost died, but he's doing much better now. Thank God, because Paul could not take one more piece of bad news coming his way.