Ghostbusters Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Ghostbusters.

Quote #4

PETER: Will you guys relax? We are on the threshold of establishing the indispensable defense science of the next decade. Professional paranormal investigations and eliminations. The franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams.

It's kind of hard to miss how Peter's motivation for starting the Ghostbusters is purely financial. Talk about a long shot, right? Ghostbusting? Even Amway is a safer bet.

Quote #5

RAY: Uh, this magnificent feast here represents the last of the petty cash.

The magnificent feast that Ray refers to here is some cheap Chinese food. Things look pretty bleak for our boys at this point in the story, though their fortunes quickly turn when they go bust Slimer in the hotel just after this. All through the early parts of the movie, the Ghostbusters' financial woes are used to up the stakes of their quest to bust ghosts.

Quote #6

PETER: Now, Let's talk seriously, now. For the entrapment, we're gonna have to ask you for four big ones. Four thousand dollars for that. But we are having a special this week on proton charging and storage of the beast, and that's only going to come to one thousand dollars, fortunately.

HOTEL MANAGER: Five thousand dollars? I had no idea it would be so much. I won't pay it.

PETER: Well, that's all right! We can just put it right back in there.

Funny how things have changed since the 80's, right? $5,000 actually seemed like a reasonable price to charge for a bunch of broke dudes trying to run a business in New York City. Also, don't miss how the boys aren't afraid to use a threat to get what they want here. They're desperate for cash, and they'll do what they have to get it.