Giants in the Earth Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Can't they understand that I need him at home?... And he is so easily talked around—he can't say no to anyone." (

Beret knows that people easily sway her husband if they speak in pretty ways. She only wishes that she had the same persuasive power over him. It's frustrating because it seems as though everyone except Beret has the power to make Per Hansa do things.

Quote #8

Very little was known about her except that she was extremely religious, and that as a rule she spoke a language which none of the Norwegians had ever heard before. (

The woman known as Crazy Bridget speaks some sort of language that few people understand. It could be Irish (she's from Ireland) or it could be that she's speaking in tongues.

Quote #9

As she fixed these applications she made the sign of the cross over his chest and back. All the while she was muttering strange words, in a language they did not understand— (

Crazy Bridget likes to mutter in a language no one understands. Maybe it's because no one understands her that everyone seems to think she has such great healing powers?