Giovanni's Room Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I wrote to Hella, telling her nothing, or I wrote to my father asking for money. And no matter what I was doing, another me sat in my belly, absolutely cold with terror over the question of my life. (2.1.54)

How is David hiding from himself by writing off letters to his father and Hella? Do his father and Hella know anything about David, really? Could they help him if he asked them to? Why doesn't he?

Quote #8

All his movements, even to the lighting of a cigarette, were stealthy, wherever his eyes focused one saw wall rise up. His face, the color of his face, brought to mind darkness and dampness, I felt that if once cut him his flesh would be the flesh of mushrooms. (2.3.43)

David is here describing a man that he once met who had been in prison. As he describes it, the man is still locked inside of his memory; he constantly acts as if he were still in that prison. Note how rich the description is. Is it possible to give a description of someone else's behavior that is this rich and still have it be accurate? What is David's preoccupation with the man? How does David also feel that he is locked in the prison of his memories?

Quote #9

"And do you think I did not know when you made love to me, you made love to no one? No one! Or everyone – but not me, certainly. I am nothing to you, nothing, and you bring me fever but no delight." (2.4.184)

What does Giovanni mean that David made love to no one? Is it possible to connect with other people if you are not comfortable with yourself? Can you become comfortable with yourself through other people? Given their awful situation, who is hurt more – David or Giovanni?