The Glass Menagerie Resources

Movie or TV Productions

1950 Movie

This version of The Glass Menagerie took some liberties with Tennessee Williams’s original script.

1973 Movie

A film version of The Glass Menagerie with Katharine Hepburn as Amanda.

1987 Movie

This film adaptation of the play was directed by Paul Newman and stars John Malkovich as Tom.


Another Stage Set-up

Welcome to the Wingfield living room.

An Older Playbill

This playbill has pictures of the four main characters.

Tennessee Williams

Here’s the man himself, writing.


"somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond"

Check out the full e.e. cummings poem that the epigraph comes from.

"in time of daffodils"

Now check out the poem we were talking about with the daffodils and jonquils in it.