godless Chapter 23 Summary

  • Jason's dad comes into his room for a father-son talk. He met with the city attorney earlier. (This can't be good.) Apparently the city had to drain and sterilize the tower, dumping a million gallons of water—and all that work cost more than two thousand dollars, which the kids are going to have to pay back. Yikes.
  • His dad has heard about the water tower cult. While he gives Jason props for creativity, he also gives him a lecture. Jason asks what's the difference, anyway, what he chooses to worship: "'None of it's real anyway'" (23.36). What makes his dad so sure Catholicism is the correct religion? His dad brings him a stack of books on theology, and requires Jason to write five book reports.
  • At TPO Jason asks Just Al why new religions get persecuted—he tries to catch Magda with a wink, but she won't look at him. The group discusses whether God is an arbitrary made up thing or if he is a real presence.
  • Magda has been forced to quit her job at Wigglesworth's and has to baby-sit her brothers.
  • She laughs when Jason tells her Henry actually wants to climb the tower again; she says Henry has a good heart. Jason wonders, "Don't I have a good heart?" (23.84)