Godzilla Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Godzilla.

Quote #1

OGATA'S BOSS: Thank you. Thank you for your efforts. What could have caused this?

COAST GUARD OFFICER: We don't know. It was like when the Myojin-sho volcano erupted. We received an SOS, then suddenly the connection went dead.

SECOND OFFICER: The Bingo-maru is approaching the area. They're sure to find something.

Notice the connection between technology and nature in this quote. We need our technology for the modern world to run smoothly, but in the face of large-scale natural disasters, our tech fails us. In this case, it's radios and modern ships, but later in the film, it'll be weapons. And, of course, there's always the horror of weekend internet lag.

Quote #2

YAMANE: Why such a creature would appear in our territorial waters is the next question. It was probably hidden away in a deep-sea cave, providing for its own survival and perhaps for others like it. However, repeated underwater H-bomb tests have completely destroyed its natural habitat. To put it simply, hydrogen-bomb testing has driven it from its sanctuary.

Godzilla's an allegory for nuclear weapons. The destruction it brings to Tokyo is a stand-in for the destruction wrought by the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The creature also warns about the potential destruction of nuclear proliferation for the sake of deterrence.

We designed nuclear weapons to keep us safe, by way of an unspoken threat. But could the dangers may outweigh the benefits? For example, we can't guarantee they won't go off by accident, be set off by some radical ideologue, or awaken prehistoric monstrosities from the depths that would have otherwise been totally chill.

Quote #3

DEFENSE FORCE OFFICER: First, we'll erect a barbed-wire barrier all along the coast, 100 feet high and 165 feet deep. We'll send 50,000 volts through it to electrocute Godzilla. Of course, we'll have to evacuate not only outside the perimeter, but also everyone living within 1,600 feet of the inside of the barrier. The Defense Forces and Coast Guard will carry out their respective duties outlined in this security plan without delay.

Quick. Our technology has caused a serious problem. What should we do? Use more technology to solve it. Brilliant.

Godzilla has Japan on the ropes with its attacks, so the Defense Force leans on technology for a solution to the problem. In this case, they're repurposing one technology (electric fencing) as a weapon of war.

This actually has precedent. Barbed wire was repurposed from use in farming to war, quickly becoming one of the deadliest defensive weapons in World War I.