

Symbols and Tropes

Hero's Journey

Ever notice that every blockbuster movie has the same fundamental pieces? A hero, a journey, some conflicts to muck it all up, a reward, and the hero returning home and everybody applauding his or...


1950s JapanLike cloche hats, pet rocks, flip phones, and slap bracelets, Godzilla is definitely a product of its time. Lucky for the King of the Monsters, his movie aged better than those other fad...

Point of View

Three Acts and a KaijuJust like Godzilla blazing a trail of destruction through Tokyo, the film's narrative structure is straightforward and brutally effective. It follows the tried-and-true three-...


Science Fiction; Horror; War DramaSpaceships, giant robots, extraterrestrials, and new planets, yeah, none of those show up in the original Godzilla. If that's your bag, the Godzilla franchise stil...

What's Up With the Title?

The monster movie community has several unspoken commandments: rules that filmmakers inherently follow even if they don't have a checklist they are required to check off. One such commandment is th...

What's Up With the Ending?

You wouldn't know it from the sixty years of sequels, but Godzilla dies at the end of the first film. True fact. Stranger still, it isn't a fellow monster that deals the death blow. Mothra, Rodan,...

Shock Rating

PGToday, Godzilla is known for being a child-friendly character. He's not Barney, but he has a toy line, stars in video games, and has put out more than a few sugary-sweet films. Remember the one w...