Going Bovine Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Maybe there's a universe where I don't get this disease at all. Where none of this happens." As soon as I say it, I think of Dulcie. Of Gonzo and Balder and this whole nutty trip, how I wouldn't trade parts of it for anything. (35.11)

It's pretty sad that Cam has to die in order to learn the value of friendship and all the joy it can bring, but at least he finally gets it. Can you imagine the Cam from the beginning of the book saying something like this? Us neither.

Quote #11

Gonzo has heard. He looks a little sad as he nods. There's not much I can do without alerting the guys to his presence. And so I put up my palm. It's not really a wave, not a goodbye or a hello, just a hand, a Hey, I see you. He gives me a palm right back. I see you, too. And then he does what he should; he folds into the swarm of people trying to have a good time and make a few memories, just another face in the crowd. (49.52)

This was such a touching moment. They just get each other, so their big goodbye can be a simple guy-nod type gesture—cool but sweet. Nice.