Gone Girl Chapter 61 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Nick Dunne—Nine Weeks After the Return

  • Nick found the vomit hidden in a box of Brussels sprouts. Apparently Amy thought that Nick, who's too much of a drama queen to clean the fridge, would never look there. Joke's on you, Amy. Still, he's disturbed because not a word was said about the jar on the counter and it should have elicited an angry, explosive response. Something's definitely up.
  • In other news, Nick's life feels like those little Where Are They Now captions they show at the end of true story movies. Tanner has taken on the case of a country singer accused of killing his wife and dumping her body in a Hardee's dumpster. He's using Nick's case as a consolation—things looked awful for him, but look how great it all turned out.
  • Only Boney and Go remain on Nick's team. They plow through Amy's diary searching for inconsistencies, but find none.
  • Then Nick's father dies, and Nick doesn't feel the way he imagined he would. Instead of relief, he feels even more claustrophobic because Amy is now his only adversary, the only one left to compare himself to. He finally decides that there's only one way out: he has to write a book. He has to tell his side of the story. Amy might think her book is Amazing, but Nick is determined to best her.