Good Will Hunting Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. What do you think is the biggest obstacle in Will's life? Why?
  2. What lessons does Sean Maguire learn from Will? How does he act on these lessons?
  3. How does Gerald Lambeau develop as a character in this movie? Does he change at all? Why or why not?
  4. Do Will's Southie friends understand how gifted he is? If so, how do we know this?
  5. How does Chuckie respond when he realizes Will wants to work construction for the rest of his life? Is his response fair? Why or why not?
  6. Briefly describe Sean Maguire's relationship with Professor Lambeau. Are they friends, enemies, or frenemies?
  7. Where does Will go at the end of the movie? What does it tells us about his personal growth?
  8. What is the biggest lesson Will needs to learn if he's going to live a fulfilling life? Do you think he learns it?
  9. How do you think things will end up for Will and Skylar? Why?