
Character Role Analysis

Brenda and Neil

Brenda and Neil are obvious foils. He's the poor boy to her rich girl, the deep to her shallow. Of course, there might be much more to Brenda than we know. We only see her from Neil's perspective, and he's only known her for a few months. As far as we can tell, he doesn't even know what she's majoring in. For all we know, she could be a philosopher like him. But, it's pretty clear that Brenda is very interested in money and comfort, while Neil is into social issues and books.

On day one of the exercise regimen Brenda designs for Neil, she tells him "'You know […], you look like me. Except bigger'" (5.122). Brenda, one might infer, is more focused on the similarities between them, while Neil is focused on the differences. Another guy might have taken her comment as a compliment. But not Neil. Definitely not Neil.

He thinks, "She meant, I was sure, that I was somehow beginning to look the way she wanted me to. Like herself" (5.123). It certainly seems that Brenda is trying to tailor Neil to fit into her life, but perhaps he's being a bit harsh. What do you think? This moment and this question reminds us of the fact that Brenda can never look the way Neil wants her to, because she's had a nose job. He enjoys her beauty tremendously, but always holds that over her.