The Graveyard Book Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Bod was thrilled. He imagined a future where he could read everything, in which all stories could be opened and discovered. (2.95)

Bod is hungry for books like author Neil Gaiman was as a child. Unlike Gaiman, though, Bod doesn’t have access to all that many. This probably makes him appreciate them even more. We suspect “Library” and “Bookstore” are high up on Bod’s “Places to Go When I Move Out of the Graveyard” list.

Quote #5

“You are ignorant, boy,” said Miss Lupescu. “This is bad. And you are content to be ignorant, which is worse.” (3.60)

What’s a childhood without at least one really strict teacher? Luckily, Miss Lupescu is also fair, kind, and extremely protective, as it turns out.

Quote #6

But he was Silas, and Bod was happy to see him, and even happier when Silas gave him a present, a little model of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. (3.267)

Presents. What kid doesn’t love ‘em? We all do, but there’s something extra magical about it when we’re very young. What Bod doesn’t know is that Silas was in San Francisco making trouble for the Jacks of All Trades. Of course, Bod figures it out, and that knowledge makes the gift all the more valuable to Bod. It can also serve as a reminder of his youth, with Silas as his guardian.