What's Up With the Title?

What's Up With the Title?

This one's a toughie.

Oh wait.

This is a book about green eggs and ham, through and through. And you know what? We might forget about some of the scenes in the book (hey, we've all been there), but we never ever forget the title. What makes it so stinkin' catchy and memorable?

Dr. Seuss's magic formula, that's what. Oh, you're not familiar with the formula? Okay, we'll let you in on the secret:

(1) Take something comfortable and familiar.
(2) Put a new and surprising spin on it.

Yep, that's it. Seuss takes the classic ham and eggs dish, inverts it, and turns the whole thing green. We are left with something comfortably familiar, yet exotic; something exciting and possibly disgusting, all at the same time.

The big guy seems to agree with us. Take a look at the cover art, how he's bent over the platter, somewhere between curious, enthused, and repulsed.

We'll take ours with hot sauce, please.