Grimms' Fairy Tales Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Tale.Page)

Quote #4

Now Gambling Hans began gambling in earnest, and soon he was on the verge of winning half the world. At this point Saint Peter said to God, "Lord, this won't do. Soon he'll win the whole world. We must send Death after him." (Gambling Hans.276)

The message here seems to be something along the lines of, we must keep the natural social order in place, or else. Perhaps this is one of the reasons gambling is so frowned upon: it contains the possibility of upsetting the social order, and showering money on folks who've barely seen a dime.

Quote #5

"Not at all," said Saint Peter. "You're just as dear to us as anybody else, and you are entitled to all the heavenly joys just as much as the rich man. But, look, poor fellows like you come to heaven every day, while a rich man like this comes to us only once in a hundred years." (The Peasant in Heaven.499)

Oh, snap.

Quote #6

"I served the king faithfully, but he sent me away and let me starve. Now I want to get my revenge for that." "What shall I do?" asked the dwarf. "Late tonight, when the king's daughter is in bed, I want you to bring her here in her sleep. I shall make her work like a maid for me." (The Blue Light.385)

Poor or rich, turning the tables is hilarious.