Hard Love Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But to me, the mystery of female body parts is one I'd just as soon not solve. Not that I'm interested in boys either—I'm just not interested in the whole idea of locked lips or proclamations of love. I can't imagine being in love with somebody, letting her touch me and tell me things I wouldn't know whether to believe. (2.11)

John claims he's not interested in love, but maybe it's just that he hasn't found the right girl yet. We can't help but wonder whether his insistence on not being interested in love just means he's never experienced it.

John claims he's not interested in love, but maybe it's just that he hasn't found the right girl yet. We can't help but wonder whether his insistence on not being interested in love just means he's never experienced it.

Quote #2

"Well, I don't. And you better not say it around me either. It's not just a swear word; it's a hateful word. It's a violent word. It's not about sex or love or anything like that. It's ugly. It just means I want to hurt you." (4.57)

When Birdie drops an f-bomb, Marisol flips out. She can't stand that word, and while she's not usually touchy about these things, Marisol is more annoyed at the idea that someone misuses love, just the way Kelly did to her.

Quote #3

So I took all the sadness of the divorce, and all the love I'd once had for both of you, and all the fear I had of being alone, and turned it into a stone wall to hide behind. To protect myself. I'm so protected now, dear Mother, sometimes I feel like I'm barely alive. (10.59)

In his letter to his mom, John talks about his hate for his mom and the pain he's felt since the divorce. Notice how he focuses on love. It's not about being hurt over his parents splitting up; it's about the fact that he expects his parents to love him and is hurt when they don't.