Hard Love Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I am immune to emotion. I have been ever since I can remember. Which is helpful when people appeal to my sympathy. I don't seem to have any. (1.1)

What's John so afraid of? Emotion, for one thing. He can't stand the idea of getting hurt so he puts shields up so people can't hurt him. As much as he likes to think that he's immune to emotion, we know he's not. How else could Marisol hurt him in the end? Besides, hiding from emotion is a kind of emotional thing to do when you think about it.

Quote #2

I was so surprised. "Of course you'll make it. If you can't, nobody can."

"That's what I'm afraid of. That nobody can. Not really." (5.70-71)

At least Marisol's honest. She's scared that she might be forced to keep living the path her parents have laid out for her, whether she wants to or not. Her desire to make it on her own is more important than the relationships in her life, but she's scared of this, too.

Quote #3

I didn't want to hear anymore. All of a sudden I was scared, scared of the feelings she'd had, and I'd never had, and scared of what would happen next. (6.63)

After Marisol's story about Kelly, John feels down. He expected that Marisol got hurt, but nothing could prepare him for how hurt she'd been. He doesn't want people to have that power over him because he's afraid of getting hurt just like his friend did.