Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Act I, Scene 2 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

  • As anyone who hasn't been living in a cupboard under the stairs knows, the magic wall takes them to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, where the Hogwarts Express will take the kids to Hogwarts.
  • It's not just the Potter troop going, either. They're joined by Ron and Hermione, and their daughter, Rose.
  • Ron pulls a lame nose-stealing joke on young Lily Potter and "everyone enjoys its lameness" (1.2.2).
  • Considering how Voldemort didn't have a nose, maybe Ron should watch it with the nose-snatching.
  • Harry gives Albus a last-minute pep talk, telling him that the Sorting Hat will take his feelings into account, like it did for him.
  • Ron and Harry together attract looks from the crowd. They're basically celebrities, like seeing Princes Harry and William together in the same place.