Having Our Say Resources


Having Our Say Homepage

This website will fill in you in on Having Our Say and its many multimedia adaptations. There's also a great timeline that breaks the timeline of the book into an easy-to-follow form.

St. Augustine's University

Want to learn more about the legendary school that produced the Delany family? Well, let's just say we know a guy...

Movie or TV Productions

Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years (1999)

In 1999—just three months after Sadie passed away—CBS aired a TV movie adaptation of the sisters' story to critical acclaim.

Having Our Say Trailer

So, yeah, it's very much a Made-For-TV movie (that old age makeup!) but we're sure that the film will hit you just as hard as the book did.

Articles and Interviews

Two 'Maiden Ladies' With Century-Old Stories to Tell

This is the article that first put the Delany sisters on the map. It was written by Amy Hill Hearth, author of Having Our Say, and was published in The New York Times.

A Brief Interview with Lemuel Delany Jr.

This interview with the son of Sadie and Bessie's brother complicates our image of the sisters, showing how Having Our Say changed all of the Delanys' lives forever.

A One-on-One With Amy Hill Hearth

In this interview, Amy Hill Hearth discusses the difference between writing fiction and non-fiction, as well as specific writing techniques she learned while working with the Delany sisters.


The Delany Sisters

Check out this brief chat with the still-lively Delany sisters—the power of YouTube compels you!

Meet Sam Delany

Samuel R. Delany—son of Sam (no, not that son of Sam) and nephew to the sisters—is an accomplished writer in his own right. Looks like Sam has been looking to James Miliam for beard-spiration.


Having Our Say on KCUR

Although this chat focuses on the stage adaptation of Having Our Say, it provides a unique perspective on what we can learn from the Delany sisters today.


Delany Family Tree

Consider this family tree to be your personal cheat sheet—if you ever get confused by the sheer number of characters, then Shmoop has you covered.

Bishop Henry Beard Delany

Here's Bishop Delany in the flesh. As a side note, we are totally stealing that decor for Shmoop HQ.

The Delany Sisters

All together now: "Awwww!"