Hedda Gabler Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Edmund Gosse and William Archer's translation.

Quote #10

Well, fortunately, there is no danger, so long as I say nothing.
[Looks up at him.] So I am in your power, Judge Brack. You have me at your beck and call, from this time forward.
[Whispers softly.] Dearest Hedda—believe me—I shall not abuse my advantage.
I am in your power none the less. Subject to your will and your demands. A slave, a slave then! [Rises impetuously.] No, I cannot endure the thought of that! Never! (4.276-9)

It’s very possible that this is the reason for Hedda’s suicide, rather than her pregnancy or Eilert’s ignoble death.