Hedda Gabler Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Edmund Gosse and William Archer's translation.

Quote #7

Do you think that is worth the trouble? Oh, if you could only understand how poor I am. And fate has made you so rich! [Clasps her passionately in her arms.] I think I must burn your hair off after all. (2.496)

Hedda isn’t talking about money here. When she resents her new lifestyle with George, she doesn’t just resent the lack of cash – she resents the bargaining power she used to have when she was a single woman. Read more about this in "Symbols, Imagery, Allegory."

Quote #8

MISS TESMAN Oh, one soon makes friends with sick folk; and it's such an absolute necessity for me to have some one to live for. Well, heaven be praised, there may soon be something in this house, too, to keep an old aunt busy. (4.29)

Again we see that money is representative of larger issues in Hedda Gabler. This line from Aunt Julie explains why she took out a mortgage on her and Rina’s pension to secure George’s furniture – that was her way of taking care of someone else.