Henry VI Part 2 Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Trust nobody, for fear you be betrayed. (4.4.59)

After Gloucester is arrested, Henry can't believe it and says his old pal is the picture of loyalty: it's written right on Gloucester's face. Back in Shakespeare's day, a person's face was considered representative of the type of soul a person had, so if loyalty is written on Gloucester's face, then it must true that he's totally loyal.

Quote #8

Was ever feather so lightly blown to and
fro as this multitude? The name of Henry the Fifth
hales them to an hundred mischiefs and makes
them leave me desolate. I see them lay their heads
together to surprise me. My sword make way for
me, for here is no staying! (4.8.56-61)

When Cade sees the crowd—his army—sway from side to side, he's bummed. He thought he had a good thing going, but he's left disappointed by the fickleness of the crowd. It's hard not to agree with Cade here, even if you hate his cause. His crowd isn't the only problem: the entire society is full of disloyal, easily swayed peeps all looking out for number one. It's pretty much expected at this point.

Quote #9

Thou mad misleader of thy brainsick son!
What, wilt thou on thy deathbed play the ruffian
And seek for sorrow with thy spectacles?
O, where is faith? O, where is loyalty? (5.1.167-170)

Shocked that York, Warwick, and Salisbury would turn against him, Henry dishes out some cold words. He can't see that although he wants people to be loyal to him, he doesn't really give them many reasons to be loyal to him.