Henry VI Part 3 Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

What talk you of debating? In few words,
If you'll not here proclaim yourself our king,
I'll leave you to your fortune and be gone (4.7.53-55)

After Edward has escaped, Montgomery wants to know if he will fight for the crown. He's sick of the old war-of-words game; he wants real action from his king. It's clear that everyone automatically understands that having a good command of language is part of the package deal when it comes to being king. Whoever's got the words has the power. Montgomery wants to move past that once and for all.

Quote #8

Now here a period of tumultuous broils.
Away with Oxford to Hames Castle straight.
For Somerset, off with his guilty head.
Go, bear them hence. I will not hear them speak. (5.5.1-4)

Edward has just won the war. The first thing he does? He gets rid of his enemies before they can disrupt him again. We're especially interested in fact that he doesn't even let his enemies speak. Words equal power, and he doesn't want them having any of that.

Quote #9

Ah, kill me with thy weapon, not with words!
My breast can better brook thy dagger's point. (5.6.27-28)

Henry knows he can't win in a war of words. Richard comes in talking a big game, and Henry tells him to prove it. Sadly, he does. It turns out Richard is good with weapons and with his tongue; that's a double whammy.