Henry VI Part 3 Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

I was the chief that raised him to the crown,
And I'll be chief to bring him down again:
Not that I pity Henry's misery,
But seek revenge on Edward's mockery. (3.3.273-276)

After he gets the news in France that Edward has married Lady Grey, Warwick is ticked. It's as if Edward has personally betrayed him. He doesn't care what Edward's reasons were, he just wants Edward to be ashamed in the same way he was when he heard the news. Um, okay.

Quote #8

And their true sovereign, whom they must obey?
Nay, whom they shall obey, and love thee too,
Unless they seek for hatred at my hands;
Which if they do, yet will I keep thee safe,
And they shall feel the vengeance of my wrath. (4.1.79-83)

Edward doesn't care what people think about his new bride. We'll admit that his decision to marry Elizabeth was hasty, to say the least. But he doesn't care what anyone says, and he promises to get back at anyone who has a problem with her. We like his willingness to defend his wife, but it also seems like overkill. Defensive, much?

Quote #9

A little fire is quickly trodden out,
Which, being suffered, rivers cannot quench. (4.8.7-8)

A man of few words, George puts it beautifully here. Everyone dismisses a small fire, but even a small fire can grow and overtake things. Something tells us George isn't just talking about fire; it's clear he wants his revenge on his brother for treating him like a "little fire."