Here We Are Section 4 Summary

A Side of Peanuts

  • The husband apologizes for talking that way, and says he only mentioned it because he thought she would find it funny. 
  • The wife says she knows that's true—she's just been mixed up, thinking about all the people all over the world getting married and stuff. Though, she says, she thought he mentioned Louise maliciously. 
  • He denies this and says it was meant to make her laugh. They should be cheerful too—since it's their honeymoon, after all.
  • The wife worries that they're going to just squabble throughout their marriage like they did before (and are doing now). The husband says they're not really married yet. Things will be different afterwards (meaning after they've consummated the marriage, obviously). 
  • The husband points out they'll be in New York in twenty minutes. They can get dinner and then… well, what would she like to do? See a show or something?
  • The wife says they can do whatever—though she has some letters she needs to write. 
  • The husband is like—oh really, that's what you're going to be doing?
  • She says that she has to write thank you notes to people for some of the wedding gifts. The husband jokes that he could get her a magazine and some peanuts so she won't be bored. 
  • She says she won't be bored—they're married after all.
  • The husband suggests having dinner in their room at the Biltmore and then doing "whatever we wanted."
  • The wife talks about how glad she is to stay at the Biltmore again and says she sleeps instantly after putting her head on the pillow. The husband jokes about this, saying "Oh you do?"