Here We Are Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Are these two newlyweds going to have a successful marriage? Is it possible to bicker like this, straight out of the gate, and still be basically happy?
  2. Who seems more nervous—the husband or the wife? Why?
  3. Are the husband and the wife likeable characters? What kind of people are they? Ignorant, smart, capable, foolish—what?
  4. Why did Dorothy Parker write this story—was she just trying to amuse? Or is there any kind of deeper truth or message?
  5. Will they eventually consummate the marriage? And will things be different once they do?
  6. Can bickering ever be healthy in a relationship?
  7. Who bears more of the responsibility for causing the arguments, in your opinion?
  8. Do you think the husband really does have a thing for Louise? What about the wife and Joe Brooks?
  9. Do the newlyweds genuinely like each other, under it all? Are there any hopeful signs? What about un-hopeful signs?