Wife Timeline and Summary


Wife Timeline and Summary

  • The wife stops staring out the window and turns her attention to her husband.
  • After they finish exclaiming about how they're a married couple, now, the wife worries aloud about whether their marriage will work out or not.
  • She asks the husband how he thought her friend and her sister looked at the wedding. She doesn't like his answer, and they end up arguing, after she accuses him of not liking her family.
  • Next, she asks the husband about whether he liked her hat. He gives a fairly non-committal answer, saying he really liked a blue hat she used to have. This leads to a big blow-up, where the wife says that the husband hates her hat and probably should have married Louise (her friend). They squabble, with the wife saying that maybe she should've married her friend, Joe Brooks.
  • The argument ends, and they talk about what they'll do when they get to New York. The wife says she's going to write some letters.
  • She and the husband agree not to fight anymore. On second thought, she agrees not to write letters—they'll just do whatever they want when they get there.
  • The wife brings up the hat thing again—they argue about it a little more but soon stop.
  • At the end, the wife repeats a question she asked at the beginning of the story, "Here we are… aren't we?"