The Hero with a Thousand Faces Theme of Good vs. Evil

Like a lot of things in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Good and Evil usually aren't quite what they seem. On the surface, the hero is the good guy and he (or she) sets out on a journey to stop something evil from happening.

But as the hero continues, he's shown that evil is just as much a part of the universe as good is, and in trying to banish it, you only make it stronger. You gotta show some love for the dark side of yourself every now and then…or else it just gets bigger and bigger.

Questions About Good vs. Evil

  1. How does evil change to good and good to evil in the Hero's Journey?
  2. Is evil always what it appears to be in the Hero's Journey?
  3. How are external evils shown as reflections of internal fears in the Hero's Journey?
  4. How is good truly achieved in the Hero's Journey?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Evil and good move in cycles, just like the life and death of the universe.

Good and evil can be physical places in the Hero's Journey as much as characters.