Herzog Characters

Meet the Cast

Moses Herzog

Leggo My EgoIt's fair to say that Moses Herzog spends an awful lot of time in his own head, and the results are usually none too good. Herzog endlessly thinks about…well… the way he thinks abou...

Madeleine Pontritter

CruelSince this whole book comes from Moses Herzog's perspective, it's tough to get a clear read on what kind of person Madeleine really is. But if we look at her actions and take Herzog's word for...


Confident and BeautifulJust when Herzog thinks his life is over, an intelligent and beautiful woman named Ramona walks into his life and wants to be with him. Our first impression of her tells us t...


Val is Moses Herzog's best friend in the whole world—or at least he used to be, back before he ran off with Herzog's wife. Unlike Herzog, Val is a pure extrovert who's confident about his looks a...


Simkin is Moses Herzog's friend, but he's also his lawyer. And like any good lawyer, Simkin knows when to give his client some good ol' fashioned straight talk and tough love. When we first meet hi...


Moses Herzog has a weird habit of keeping up his friendships with the relatives of his ex-wife. He has an especially healthy friendship with Madeleine's aunt Zelda, who gives Herzog some useful adv...


We don't learn a whole lot about Daisy, apart from the fact that Moses Herzog treated her terribly during their marriage. If anything, the pain Herzog caused Daisy helps justify Madeleine's horribl...

Sono Oguki

Sono Oguki is the girl who got away. Herzog had an affair with her while he was married to his first wife Daisy, and Sono treated Herzog like a king. She even gave him baths, for crying out loud. A...