Hiroshima Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Soon he found a good-sized pleasure punt drawn up on the bank, but in and around it was an awful tableau—five dead men, nearly naked, badly burned, who must have expired more or less all at once, for they were in attitudes which suggested that they had been working together to push the boat down into the river. Mr. Tanimoto lifted them away from the boat, and as he did so, he experienced such horror at disturbing the dead—preventing them, he momentarily felt, from launching their craft and going on their ghostly way—that he said out loud, "Please forgive me for taking this boat. I must use it for others, who are alive." (2.48)

Mr. Tanimoto managed to take time to pay his respects to the dead people whose boat he needed to poach to help the living escape from spreading fires.

Quote #5

When Father Kleinsorge got back after fighting the fire, he found Father Schiffer still bleeding and terribly pale. Some Japanese stood around and stared at him, and Father Schiffer whispered, with a weak smile, "It is as if I were already dead." "Not yet," Father Kleinsorge said. (2.50)

Unsurprisingly, many of the injured—who were surrounded everywhere by the dead—felt like they were about to die themselves.

Quote #6

Dr. Kanda had seen his wife and daughter dead in the ruins of his hospital; he sat now with his head in his hands. "I can't do anything," he said. (2.50)

Although people were looking to Dr. Kanda to help out in treating the injured (since he was one of the few doctors in the area), he was so overcome with grief for his dead family members that he was unable to assist.