Hiroshima Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

During the early summer, she prepared herself for conversion to Catholicism. In that period she had ups and downs. Her depressions were deep. (4.32)

Apparently as a result of Father Kleinsorge's influence, Miss Sasaki ended up converting to Catholicism. Remember when we said she did a 180? We weren't lying (although as you can see here, she still struggled with depression for a while).

Quote #8

Because he had no church into which to lure converts, if there should be any, Kiyoshi Tanimoto soon realized the futility of this evangelism (5.127).

In Hersey's 40-years-later update, we learn that Mr. Tanimoto ended up doing a bunch of speaking engagements in the States to try to make money for rebuilding his church, which also got him involved in various peacekeeping efforts/causes.

Quote #9

When Mother Superior, Marie Saint-Jean de Kenti, asked her one day what she would do if she were told she had failed and would have to leave, she said, "I would take hold of hat beam there and hold on with all my strength." She did hold on, and in 1957 she took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience and became Sister Dominique Sasaki. (5.94)

Holy turnabout, Batman! Not only did Miss Sasaki end up converting to Catholicism—she ultimately became a nun. Father Kleinsorge must have been one convincing guy.